English: Kohei Hattori's website Last update: 2024.Nov.23 portrait of Kohei Hattori 2

服部公平のウェブサイト(Kohei Hattori's Home Page)


学振PD受け入れを検討される方、 統計数理研究所の 受託研究員制度 の受け入れをご希望の方、 大学院で研究をしてみたい学生の方は、本ページ末尾のメールでお問い合わせください。 また、Gaia衛星のデータ利用に関する講習(チュートリアル)を希望される方は、メールでお問い合わせください。



天文学の側では、我々の住む銀河系(天の川銀河)の構造と形成史を理解すべく、研究を進めています。 特に、銀河系の重力場を支配する暗黒物質がどのような3次元構造を持っているのかというテーマについて、銀河力学のツールを用いて研究を進めています。 また、最近では、銀河系中心の超巨大ブラックホールから弾き出された「超高速度星(Hyper-velocity stars)」という天体に興味をもっています。 これらの研究では、欧州宇宙機関(ESA)の人工衛星Gaia(ガイア)の公開データを利用しています。 Gaiaデータは全天に広がる17億天体の星の高精度な位置・速度情報の巨大データであり、統計手法を工夫することで様々な研究ができます。

統計学の側では、ベイズ推定(MCMC)・データマイニングに興味を持っています。 最近では、誤差の大きなデータおよび欠損データを有効活用することで、今までノイズに埋もれていたような面白い物理現象を発見することに注力しています。 現在利用可能なGaiaデータ(1TB)はすでに巨大なデータですが、近い将来利用可能となるLSSTのデータ(60 PB)は、現在よりもさらに膨大なデータをもたらします。 このようなデータを効率よく利用する技術も模索しています。

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Research Interests

(The paper ID is from the list of lead-author papers shown below.)

Lead-author papers

  1. Metallicity and $α$-abundance for 48 million stars in low-extinction regions in the Milky Way (Hattori 2024 ApJ accepted, arXiv2404.01269) Catalog data
  2. Finding r-II sibling stars in the Milky Way with the Greedy Optimistic Clustering algorithm (Hattori, Okuno, Roederer 2023, ApJ, 946 48)
  3. Probability of forming gaps in the GD-1 stream by close encounters of globular clusters (Doke & Hattori 2022, ApJ, 941 129) [corresponding author]
  4. Action-based distribution function modelling for constraining the shape of the Galactic dark matter halo (Hattori, Valluri, Vasiliev 2021, MNRAS, 508, 5468)
  5. Origin of a massive hyper-runaway subgiant star LAMOST-HVS1 -- implication from Gaia and follow-up spectroscopy (Hattori et al. 2019b, ApJ, 873, 116)
  6. Metallicity dependence of the Hercules stream in Gaia/RAVE data -- explanation by non-closed orbits (Hattori et al. 2019a, MNRAS, 484, 4540)
  7. Constraining Solar position and velocity with a Nearby Hypervelocity Star (Hattori, Valluri, Castro 2018b, ApJ, 869, 33)
  8. Old, Metal-Poor Extreme Velocity Stars in the Solar Neighborhood (Hattori et al. 2018a, ApJ, 866, 121)
  9. Reliability of the Measured Velocity Anisotropy of the Milky Way Stellar Halo (Hattori et al. 2017, ApJ, 841, 91)
  10. Shepherding tidal debris with the Galactic bar: the Ophiuchus stream (Hattori, Erkal, Sanders 2016, MNRAS, 460, 497)
  11. Vertical kinematics of the thick disc at 4.5 < R < 9.5 kpc (Hattori & Gilmore 2015, MNRAS, 454, 649)
  12. Possible Evidence for Metal Accretion onto the Surfaces of Metal-poor Main-sequence Stars (Hattori et al. 2014, ApJ, 784, 153)
  13. Very Metal-poor Outer-halo Stars with Round Orbits (Hattori et al. 2013 ApJ Letter, 763, 17)
  14. The orbital eccentricity distribution of solar-neighbourhood halo stars (Hattori & Yoshii 2011, MNRAS, 418, 2481)
  15. A new test for the Galactic formation and evolution -- prediction for the orbital eccentricity distribution of the halo stars (Hattori & Yoshii 2010, MNRAS, 408, 2137)

Selected conference proceedings

  1. The shape of the dark matter halo revealed from a hypervelocity star (Hattori & Valluri 2019)

Co-author papers

  1. The R-Process Alliance: 2MASS J22132050-5137385, the Star with the Highest-known r-process Enhancement at [Eu/Fe] = +2.45 Roederer, Beers, Hattori et al. (2024, ApJ 971, 158) [3rd author]
  2. JASMINE: Near-Infrared Astrometry and Time Series Photometry Science Kawata et al. (2024, PASJ, Volume 76, Issue 3, pp.386-425) [19th author]
  3. Search for a Black Hole Binary in Gaia DR3 Astrometric Binary Stars with Spectroscopic Data Tanikawa, Hattori et al. (2023, ApJ, 946, 79) [2nd author]
  4. [arXiv] A Greedy and Optimistic Approach to Clustering with a Specified Uncertainty of Covariates Okuno & Hattori. (2022, arXiv2204:08205)
  5. SIRIUS Project - V. Formation of off-centre ionized bubbles associated with Orion Nebula Cluster Fujii, Hattori et al. (2022, MNRAS, 514, 43) [2nd author]
  6. High-precision chemical abundances of Galactic building blocks. II. Revisiting the chemical distinctness of the Helmi streams Matsuno et al. (2022, AA, 665, 46) [9th author]
  7. The R-Process Alliance: A Nearly Complete R-Process Abundance Template Derived from Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the R-Process-Enhanced Metal-Poor Star HD 222925 Roederer et al. (2022, ApJS, 260, 27) [10th author]
  8. Dippers from TESS Full-frame Images. II. Spectroscopic Characterization of Four Young Dipper Kasagi et al. (2022, ApJS, 259, 40) [8th author]
  9. A Very Metal-poor RR Lyrae Star with a Disk Orbit Found in the Solar Neighborhood Matsunaga et al. (2022, ApJ, 925, 10) [3rd author]
  10. High-precision chemical abundances of Galactic building blocks. The distinct chemical abundance sequence of Sequoia Matsuno et al. (2022, AA, 661, 103) [8th author]
  11. Dynamically Tagged Groups of Metal-Poor Stars from the Best and Brightest Survey Shank et al. (2022, ApJ, 926, 26) [11th author]
  12. Broken into Pieces: ATLAS and Aliqa Uma as One Single Stream Li et al. (2021, ApJ, 911, 149) [18th author]
  13. Dippers from the TESS Full-Frame Images I: The Results of the first 1 year data and Discovery of A Runaway dipper Tajiri et al. (2020, ApJS, 251, 18) [5th author]
  14. 591 high velocity stars in the Galactic halo selected from LAMOST DR7 and Gaia DR2 Li et al. (2021, ApJS, 252, 3)
  15. The Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5): Chemical Abundances of Seven Stellar Streams Ji et al. (2020, ApJ, 160, 181)
  16. The R-Process Alliance: A Very Metal-poor, Extremely r-process-enhanced Star with [Eu/Fe] = + 2.2, and the Class of r-III Stars Cain et al. (2020, ApJ, 898, 40)
  17. Dynamical Relics of the Ancient Galactic Halo Yuan et al. (2020, ApJ, 891, 39) [8th author]
  18. On the estimation of the local dark matter density using the rotation curve of the Milky Way de Salas et al. (2019, JCAP, 10, 037) [4th author]
  19. Mass Spectroscopy of the Milky Way Dey, Arjun et al. (2019, BAAS, 51, 489) [18th author]
  20. Beta Dips in the Gaia Era: Simulation Predictions of the Galactic Velocity Anisotropy Parameter (β) for Stellar Halos Loebman, Valluri, Hattori et al. (2018, ApJ, 853, 196) [3rd author]
  21. Kinematics of Highly r-process-enhanced Field Stars: Evidence for an Accretion Origin and Detection of Several Groups from Disrupted Satellites Roederer, Hattori, Valluri (2018, ApJ, 156, 179) [2nd author]

Publication list in ADS

First-author, refereed papers.
All the papers.

Selected presentations

  1. NAOJ symposium (2021). Data Science in Astronomy

Student supervision

  1. Yuka Doke (University of Tokyo) -- Summer student in 2021. Probability of forming gaps in the GD-1 stream by close encounters of globular clusters (Doke & Hattori 2022, ApJ, 941, 129)


  1. 2022年度/春/情報C, 情報D (文教大学)
  2. 2022年度/秋/情報C, 情報D (文教大学)


Kohei Hattori
(1) Institute of Statistical Mathematics
10-3 Midoricho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-0014, Japan
(2) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0015, Japan

Link to ORCID (0000-0001-6924-8862)
Link to Google Scholar (Kohei Hattori)
Link to researchmap (日本語/Japanese) (服部公平)